About Fobbs-DIC & Courses


How important is safe driving to you? Answer these questions.
1) How would you define good and well-mannered driving?
  a) A driver who does not tailgate another automobile.
  b) A driver who uses their signals to indicate a turn or lane change.

  c) A driver who ignores an impolite gesture of another driver and refuses to return the same behavior.
 d) All of the above.

2) What do you consider is aggressive driving?
 a) A driver who does tailgate another automobile.

 b) A driver who doesn't use turn signals when it’s necessary.
 c) A driver who does use improper hand gestures towards their neighboring driver. 
 d) All of the above.

What do you think? Well, if you answered with the letter D for both questions, then you are correct. Fobbs-DIC wants to assist their clients in separating good driving behaviors from aggressive driving behaviors. Our Mission is to aid people to become more knowledgeable about Virginia's road regulations. Once a person is conscious of what the motor vehicle laws require, then this knowledge can help the person to comply with the Virginia’s road guidelines. Realizing the purpose and benefits of the regulations allows each person to be a safer driver for themselves and for those around them, which reduces traffic fatalities. Thus, driving is a wonderful privilege for many citizens, yet it's important not to abuse such freedom. So, let Fobbs-DIC help you to refresh or improve your facts about the road.

What are some reasons and benefits for attending an improvement class?

You may possibly earn safe driving points by completing a driver improvement class or clinic.

Virginia’s DMV uses a numeric point system to rate its drivers with good driving habits and risky driving habits. A driver can obtain safe driving points for good driving habits and demerit points for unsafe driving. So, receiving safe driving points is always a great benefit for each persons driver’s record. Why? One reason is it adds value to your driving creditability because you have driven without any violations within the year. Each year, safe driving points are awarded to a driver for holding a valid Virginia driver’s license without any violations or suspensions. Also, accumulating a total of 5 safe driving points can offset demerit points. DMV provided this example to explain this point: For five years, Molly followed all the safe driving rules and always obeyed the speed limit. She accumulated a safe driving point each year, for a total of 5 points. One day Molly ran a red light, and DMV assigned 4 demerit points to her driving record. However, since she had previously earned 5 safe driving points, she ended up with 1 safe driving point left on her record.   (The Point System)

If you would like to learn more about traffic violations and the DMV demerit point system, click the links below:
Moving Violations & Demerit Points
Six Point Violations 
Four Point Violations   
Three Point Violations 

What other educational programs does Fobbs-DIC provide? 
Driver's Improvement Course
Escort Vehicle Course 
Driver's Education (Coming Soon!)
Behind the wheel (Coming Soon!)

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